The most important, eternity-affecting decision you have to make is what to do with the gift of salvation God has offered you through the sacrifice of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Christ died to give you freedom from sin and hell and eternal life in heaven.
Below are some truths about salvation.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, congratulations! We are excited for you and look forward to eternal fellowship with you in Heaven as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! However, God is now calling you to continue your Christian walk. Below are the next steps you can take.
Following salvation, we are called to be baptized in the name of Christ. Baptism, in the original Greek, means to dip or immerse. Scriptural baptism is full immersion in water as is shown in every physical example in scripture.
Baptism is our promise to God that we are dead to our old life and risen as a new creature in Christ to follow Him.
It also serves as a public declaration and acknowledgment of what Christ has done in your life.
Joining one of God's scriptural churches follows baptism. Christ started His first church during His ministry on this earth and promised His churches would continue until He returned.
Each church is a body of saved and scripturally baptized believers who are united together in service to Christ and His gospel.
After baptism and church membership, God expects us to grow in our prayer life and knowledge of scripture while finding our place to serve within the church that God has led us to join.
Every person is unique, with skills and abilities that are needed within the church of their membership. God created you with a purpose and you can find true fulfillment in life by finding and living out His purpose for you.
If you have any questions about any of these steps from salvation to service or would like to speak to a pastor, please let us know. You can contact us through the form at the bottom of this page, by calling our pastor, or by messaging us on our Facebook page.